Volby zápisu

The aim of the course is to watch German in historically changing relations from the very beginning, its developmental stages, unificating processes and the formation of standard German. Basic knowledge of the developmental stages of German on the semantic, morphological and syntactic level will be provided with the support of contemporary texts. Languages are constantly changing and evolving at all levels: from the phonetic system to the types of texts and communication frames. The aim is to introduce and analyze various types of linguistic change in relation to the German language environment. At the same time, language is examined in a broader context of the culture, or cultures. One of the topics is represented by the issue of periodization, as it is for example according to the phases of language development and their limits. The seminar also discusses the gradual creation of spoken and written standard forms, in the line of language development to the present time.

Přístup pro hosty
Přístup pro hosty
Zápis sebe sama do kurzu (Student)
Zápis sebe sama do kurzu (Student)