Topic outline

  • Course description

    The topics covered in the course are as follows: origins of children's literature, genres of children's literature, as well as various topics and characters appearing in the children's literature of English-speaking countries. It also deals with the principles of effectively selecting relevant and adequate samples of children's literature and applying them in English language classes.

    Předmět studenty seznamuje s vývojem dětské literatury, s žánry dětské literatury a tématy/literárními postavami dětské literatury anglicky mluvících zemí. Zabývá se také principy výběru relevantních a adekvátních ukázek dětské literatury a jejich aplikací v hodinách anglického jazyka.

    Assessment: based on active in-class participation, the timely and complete fulfillment of assignments (according to the given instructions), and a portfolio.

    • Students are to raise any questions or concerns about the course through this forum.

  • Introduction to children's literature

    • Further definitions and information concerning the aims and themes of children's literature. This presentation is more detailed in its discussion of the development of the field of children's literature.

  • Genre's of children's literature

    • A video that summarizes the different genres of children's literature (there might be some flaws, but the advantage this resource presents are the examples of works when individual genres are discussed).

  • Selecting the 'right' text

    • In this PP presentation, students will find further information concerning the process of selecting the most appropriate books to suit their pupils' needs.

    • This document discusses the major issues to consider when selecting a text to use with young readers. It also lists the steps of the process when working with the selected text.

  • Methods of teaching/working with children's literature

    • Short texts with some useful hints and use of art to motivate children to become lifelong readers.

  • Classroom library

    • A brief text which presents a few basic steps to consider when trying to build a classroom library.

    • This document contains works of children's literature published between the years 1990 to 2010 which have been awarded variety of prizes and which have been translated into Czech.

  • Portfolio

    • This document provides the instructions according to which students are asked to prepare their children's literature portfolios.

  • Assignments

    • Students are asked to reflect on their reading experience to come up with one title that has changed their lives (affected them the most) and that they read as children/YA readers. The point is to select a/the book since the reading of which some time has passed and which thus allows for a comparison of differing perspectives (e.g. Robinson Crusoe has a different meaning for a child from that of an adult since as kids we tend to focus on the adventure, and not as much on issues such as slavery or religious perseverance).

  • Resources

    In this section, students will find documents or links to sources with information relevant to the content of the course.

    • TIME compiled this survey in consultation with respected peers such as U.S. Children’s Poet Laureate Kenn Nesbitt, children’s-book historian Leonard Marcus, the National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature, the Young Readers Center at the Library of Congress, the Every Child a Reader literacy foundation and 10 independent booksellers. 

    • Discover expert advice, educational resources and free eBooks to support children's learning at primary school and at home, from Oxford University Press.

    • Web, který se snaží knihy vybírat a třídit tak, aby to svoje našel knihovník, který hledá, co pořídit do dětského oddělení. I učitel, který toho má denně nad hlavu, ale chce třeťákům v hodině češtiny doporučit knihy, které je budou vážně bavit. Nebo rodič s dítětem, který je při příchodu do knihkupectví ztracený. 

    • Scholastic’s mission is built on helping children learn to read and love to read. They believe that independent reading is a critical part of children’s learning and growth. With support from teachers, parents and schools, children choose from Scholastic the books they want to read, and discover the pleasure and power of reading.

      Finding the right book at the right time can light an emotional spark within children that motivates them to read more, understand more and read joyfully.