
  • EXM information

  • Exam information

  • Data files from experiments and processed results

    • The table with submitted tasks. You can check which tasks you have successfully submitted.

      Note: you can submit assignments even after the deadline!

    • *.d7d are data files for dewesoft, *.dvi are video files in a special format that can only be used in dewesoft. Always open the *.d7d data file for analysis, the video file is loaded automatically with the data file (both files must have the same name and must be in the same folder).

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 6. Mai 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 20. Mai 2024, 10:00
    • *.d7d are data files for dewesoft, *.dvi are video files in a special format that can only be used in dewesoft. Always open the *.d7d data file for analysis, the video file is loaded automatically with the data file (both files must have the same name and must be in the same folder).

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 29. April 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 13. Mai 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.d7d are files for dewesoft, *.txt are the exported data files when you don't want to use Dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 22. April 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 6. Mai 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.txt the data file can be opened, for example, in Excel 

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 15. April 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 29. April 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.d7d are files for dewesoft, *.txt are the exported data files when you don't want to use Dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 8. April 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 22. April 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.d7d are files for dewesoft, *.txt are the exported data files when you don't want to use Dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 25. März 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 15. April 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • files for dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 18. März 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 1. April 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.txt are text files for e.g. excel, no for dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 11. März 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 25. März 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • *.d7d are data files for Dewesoft software, *.txt are standard text files for e.g. excel when you don't want to use dewesoft

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 4. März 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 18. März 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

    • Process the data of only one specimen - choose one of the three measured.

    • Geöffnet: Montag, 26. Februar 2024, 10:00
      Fällig: Montag, 11. März 2024, 10:00

      print the created graph to pdf or make a print screen and save as an image (jpg, png, bmp...)

  • Materials for practical exercises

  • Lectures