
  • Quality Management


    Annotation: To acquaint students with modern systems of quality management, with progressive tools of quality management including statistical methods, ISO norms focused on quality and with newest approaches to ensuring and increasing of complex quality level in the EU, CZ enterprises.


    There is no attendance evidence in the class, but you need to submit your homework, I count this as an attendance. You can miss two homework in the semester.

    Please send the presentation on Friday before your date to email eva.sirova@tul.cz for a quick check (content and formal). 

    Semester Presentations Schedule

    19.02, MonPresentation of The Course - Semester plan, grades, book referencesIntroduction to Quality (History, Important Names, Timeline, Gurus)
    26.02, MonLean, Continuous Improvement
    04.03, MonBasic Concepts of Quality Management
    04.03, MonStatistical Process Control - Control Charts (LSL, Mean, USL), Bell Curve/Normal Distribution
    11.03, MonQuality Standards and Norms; ISO 9000 Family: 9001:2015, VDA (ISO/TS 16949), Quality Audits
    11.03, MonAdvanced Tools for Quality and Process Approach - Part 1: PDCA, KANBAN
    18.03, MonAdvanced Tools for Quality and Process Approach - Part 2: QFD, SIPOC, RACI
    18.03, MonTotal Quality Management: Concepts, Quality Costs, Taguchi
    25.03, MonRoot Cause Analysis (Ishikawa Fishbone Analysis, 5 Whys, FMEA, DFMEA)
    25.03, MonSix Sigma + Lean Six Sigma
    08.04, MonQuality Function Deployment (QFD)
    08.04, MonAwards, Competitions and Labels on Quality Management (e.g.EFQM model, CE certification)
    08.04, MonQuality management in digital era, Industry 4.0
    15.04, MonFinal Test

  • Introduction into Quality Management

    Learning objectives

    • match the decision situation with an appropriate method of solution,
    • to be able to characterize the typical features of quantitative methods and scientific management,
    • an overview of the history, creation and development of quantitative methods,
    • become familiar with the general procedure for solving tasks using quantitative methods.


    Quality, ASQ, Quality Facets, Standards

    Review questions

    Think about these questions to see how culture affects quality, and how business managers have to think to provide quality to customers.

     1. How many different combinations of ham and cheese can you think of? What

    country or culture does each one come from?

     2. Pick another food that you know - sushi, or peanuts, or anything else - and describe the different dishes and tastes, and how different cultures have changed them.


     Kemp, S., 2005. Quality management demystified. McGraw Hill Professional.

     Webber, L. and Wallace, M., 2011. Quality control for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Statistical Process Control

    Learning objectives

    • Understand main concepts of statistics for quality
    • Describe the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics
    • Learn main concepts regarding samples, population, standard deviation and sigma level
    • Differentiate statistical significance and business significance.


     Statistical process control, sigma, normal curves, sample.

    Review questions

     1. What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?

     2. What does it mean in terms of sigma a defect rate of 3.4 PPM?

     3. Describe the concepts of sample and population highlighting their differences.

    4. What does it mean a statistically-significant population?

    5. How good is a Quality Level of 99.9999%?


     Kemp, S., 2005. Quality management demystified. McGraw Hill Professional.

     Webber, L. and Wallace, M., 2011. Quality control for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Lean Management and Basic Tools for Quality

    Key Words: Pareto chart, histogram, check sheet

    Review Questions: 

    1) What is the main purpose of Pareto Analysis?

    2) How to create histogram?

    3)  What are the basic types of check sheets?

  • Quality Standards

    Quality Standards and Norms; ISO 9000 Family: 9001:2015, VDA (ISO/TS 16949), Quality Audits

    Learning objectives

    • Explore the concepts of quality standards, implementation and sustainability in the whole quality management system.
    • Elucidate pros and minuses of implementing a ISO 9000 in a given organization.
    • Deep-dive on ISO 9000 family standards, benefits and requirements for its implementation.
    • Explore the steps on how to prepare for an ISO 9000 certification.


     Standards, auditing, ISO 9000, ASQ, Balbrige.


     Kemp, S., 2005. Quality management demystified. McGraw Hill Professional.

     Webber, L. and Wallace, M., 2011. Quality control for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Advanced Tools for Quality and Process Approach - Part 1: PDCA, FMEA, KANBAN

    Learning objectives

    • Familiarize with key concepts of quality models and systems
    • Explore the frameworks of 3 essential quality tools: PDCA, FMEA and Kanban
    • With a deeper understanding of the given tools, possess a vast know-how for process optimization and continuous improvement in companies


     PDCA, FMEA, Kanban, ASQ

    Review questions

    1. Describe the 4 steps of the PDCA cycle.
    2. What is the difference between FMEA, D-FMEA and P-FMEA?
    3. Describe the calculation and purpose of the RPN.
    4. List at least 3 benefits of implementing a Kanban system in a process.


    Overview on the ASQ website: http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/malcolm-baldrige-award/overview/overview.html

    Blazey, Mark L. Insights to Performance Excellence 2013-2014: Understanding the Integrated Management System and the Baldrige Criteria

    (Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2013).

    Kemp, S., 2005. Quality management demystified. McGraw Hill Professional.

     Webber, L. and Wallace, M., 2011. Quality control for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

     Webcast – “An Introduction to the PDCA Cycle, Part 1” by Jack ReVelle: http://asq.org/2011/07/continuous-improvement/intro-to-pdca-1.html

    The Quality Improvement Handbook, Second Edition

    ASQ Quality Management Division and John E. Bauer, Grace L. Duffy, Russell T. Westcott, editors

  • Advanced Tools for Quality and Process Approach - Part 2: BPM, SIPOC, RACI

    Learning objectives

    • Understand the relevance and importance of business process management. • Describe the evolution and scope of business process management. • Explain how business process management can be designed. • Expand understanding on the portfolio of tools for process management. • Explore detailed concepts, elements and aspects of QFD, SIPOC and RACI. • Understand the Business Process Approach

    Keywords: Business Process Management, Quality tools, QFD, SIPOC, RACI

    Review questions

    1. Define business process management.
    2. Explain the value creation and support processes with an example.
    3. Describe QFD.
    4. Explain the concept of the house of quality.
    5. Discuss the seven steps used in building the house of quality.
    6. Describe the 5 parts of the SIPOC.
    7. List at least 3 benefits of implementing a RACI matrix in an organizational unit.


     Overview on the ASQ website: http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/malcolm-baldrige-award/overview/overview.html

     Blazey, Mark L. Insights to Performance Excellence 2013-2014: Understanding the Integrated Management System and the Baldrige Criteria

    (Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2013).

     Kemp, S., 2005. Quality management demystified. McGraw Hill Professional.

     Webber, L. and Wallace, M., 2011. Quality control for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

     Webcast – “An Introduction to the PDCA Cycle, Part 1” by Jack ReVelle: http://asq.org/2011/07/continuous-improvement/intro-to-pdca-1.html

     The Quality Improvement Handbook, Second Edition

    ASQ Quality Management Division and John E. Bauer, Grace L. Duffy, Russell T. Westcott, editors

  • Total Quality Management: Concepts, Quality Costs, Taguchi, EFQM

    Learning objectives

    • Understand the key principles and key elements of TQM
    • Explain the core concepts of TQM
    • Discuss the Total Quality Management Excellence Model (TQMEX)
    • Understand the costs of poor quality


     TQM, House of Quality, TQMEX, CoQ, quality costs

    Review questions

    1. Explain the TQMEX model.
    2. Compare the traditional organization with a TQM organization.
    3. Discuss the prerequisites of TQM.
    4. What are the steps for implementing a TQM programme?



     Charantimath, P., M.(2017) Total Quality Management.

     Overview on the ASQ website: http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/malcolm-baldrige-award/overview/overview.html

     Blazey, Mark L. Insights to Performance Excellence 2013-2014: Understanding the Integrated Management System and the Baldrige Criteria

    (Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press, 2013).

  • Root Cause Analysis

  • Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma

  • Quality Function Deployment

  • Quality in Industry 4.0