Osnova témat

  • Úvod

    • Otevřené: středa, 28. února 2024, 00.00

      Dear students,

      please upload here your presentation and full project including names of the team members and their roles (last page of the project).

      Case study feedback here:


      General case study recommendations:

      1/ Do not forget to introduce the team and devide the parts of your work in the presentation

      2/ Do not be too broad in the topic desription (i.e. if you have the topic talent management, please relate the literature review only to the topic of the talent management

      3/ When you bring the solutions, you can suggest more but please develop one of them more into detail incl. the financial aspect

      4/ Do not use Chat GPT or other AI fork this work

  • Topic 1 - Introduction to HRM in context of 3 Moduls

    Introduction to the topic of managing human resources, new trends, life-cycle of employees

  • Topic 2 - Training and Development of Employees

  • Topic 3 - HRM in the Context of Legislative Framework

  • Topic 4 - Diversity at Workplace

  • Topic 5 - Talent Management

  • Topic 6 - Employee wellbeing


    What is employee wellbeing.

    Why the topic is important nowadays?

    What are the processes which can influence employee wellbeing?

  • Topic 7 - Reward and Performance management in the international contextnt

  • Topic 8 - Challenges in Managing Human Resources

  • 9_Employer Branding

  • Topic 10 - Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Hiding

  • Topic 11 - Risk of Employee Turnover and Employee Retention

    On Monday 17 May, 2021 we meet as usual at 12:30 via GoogleMeet: meet.google.com/wgg-zbyo-eey.

    The topic will be Employee retention and termination of contract.

  • Topic 12 - Recruitment in the international context

  • Seminar 1 - Introduction + case studies

  • Seminar 2 - Organisational learning and Knowledge management

  • Seminar 3 - Employee Lifecycle

  • Seminar 4 - Legal aspects

  • Seminar 5 - Team presentations + finishing the topic of Legal Framework


  • Seminar 6 - Talent Management


  • Seminar 7 - Team presentation + Employee Wellbeing

  • Seminar 8 - Reward and Performance Management

  • Seminar 9 - Case studies

  • Seminar 10 - Team Presentations + Diversity Management

  • Seminar 11 - Team Presentations + Digitalisation in Human Resource Management