Osnova témat

  • Impacts of Globalization on the Developing Countries

    Aim: The students gain a complex picture of the role and position of the developing countries in the globalized world. They learn how the external influences affect the situation in the developing economies and realize how the developing countries enforce their interests in the interdependent world economy.

    Annotation The course is strongly synthetic as it combines the knowledge of the world economy, globalization and integration processes, economic policies, macroeconomics, and microeconomics. Thus, students gain a complex picture of the role and position of the developing countries in the globalized world. They learn how the external influences affect the situation in the developing economies and realize how the developing countries enforce their interests in the interdependent world economy.

    Preconditions: Knowledge of Macroeconomics 2, Microeconomics 2 and World Economy. 

    Requirements: The exam consists of a written test and presentation at the seminars.

    Literature for study:

    Basic: THIRLWALL, Anthony P. and Penélope PACHECO-LÓPEZ. 2017. Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence. London, UK. ISBN 9781137577948.
    Basic: VELTMEYER, Henry and Paul BOWLES. eds. 2017. The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies. Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781138049970.
    Extended: TODARO, Michael, and Stephen C. SMITH. 2014. Economic Development. London, UK. ISBN 9781292002972.
    Extended: RITZER, George and Zeynep ATALAY. eds. 2010. Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debate. Chichester, UK. ISBN 9781405132732.
    Recommended: NAYYAR, Deepak. 2009. Developing Countries in the World Economy: The Future in the Past? Helsinki, Finnland. ISBN 9789292302177.
    Recommended: PERKINS, Dwight H., Steven RADELET, David L. LINDAUER, and Steven A. BLOCK. 2012. Economics of Development. London, UK. ISBN 9780393114959.
    Recommended: THIRLWALL, Anthony P. 2005. Growth and Development: With Special Reference to Developing Economies. London, UK. ISBN 9781403996015.

  • Lectures Online

    Since the coronavirus pandemic situation does not allow us to meet personally for the lectures, we have to see each other online.

    Each Wednesday from 8:50 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. using Google Meet (https://meet.google.com/sem-cdum-ofu).

  • Students' Presentations

    Students individually or in a group of at most two people choose a group of countries from the shared list. They prepare a presentation for this particular group of countries divided into two main parts:

    • The first part will be focused on the share of the whole group of countries on:
      • the global population,
      • the global area,
      • the global GDP,
      • the global exports,
      • the global imports,
      • the global foreign direct investment,
      • the global debt,
      • the global CO2 production, etc.
      • It should also introduce the specific properties and characteristics of this particular group of countries with respect to the name of the group.
    • The second part of the presentation should be devoted to interesting, unusual, unique case studies showing the impacts of globalization in any (one or more) of the listed countries. The case studies should explain the main links, the chain of causes and consequences, that led to a positive or a negative impact of globalization on the economy, society or environment of the country.

    Each information, graph, picture, etc. in the presentation must have a reference indicating the source used.

    Students will present the submitted presentations during the month of April 2021 online at the Google Meet lectures in a given order. The length of the presentation must not be shorter than 20 minutes or longer than 30 minutes.

    The presentation will be evaluated for:

    • uniqueness of the presented case studies (40 %),
    • topicality (20 %),
    • factual correctness and accuracy (20 %),
    • originality of presentation (20 %).

    Based on the presentations, students will receive a total score, which can be further improved by the results of a short test (10 questions, multiple-choice). The test will take place online on Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 at 8:50 a.m.

    The grading scheme is set as follows:

    • A (excellent) = 100 % – 90 %
    • B (excellent minus) = 89 % – 80 %
    • C (very good) = 79 % – 70 %
    • D (very good minus) = 59 % – 60 %
    • E (good) = 59 % – 50 %
    • F (failed) = 49 % and less
  • Lectures

    Study goals

    In the first part of the subjet, the students will learn:

    • what is the definition of the developing countries,
    • what are the main characteristics of the developing countries,
    • what are the most important subgroups of the developing countries,
    • why are some countries considered to be "developing" and some "developed".


    Differentiation, Structure of the world economy, Developed market economices, Developing countries.

    Required skills
    Time requirements for the study
     +  hours (theory + updating the data)


  • Test