Listening 1.06, 1.07
Placement in a PR firm - umístění (praxe)
Dress code
To be on time (in time) - přesně, včas
Commitment - závazek
To turn up
To be autonomous
To take the initiative
To make a good impression
To be afraid of
To break the unwritten rules (porušovat nepsaná pravidla)
To skive off work - ulejvat se, informal
As far as they are concerned
Civil service - státní služba
Contrary to something
To be on first name terms - tykání
To make somebody feel at home - (chovat se tak, že) se někdo cítí jako doma
To get on well with somebody - vycházet s někým dobře
To get behind schedule
To burst into tears - rozplakat se
To become reserved - stát se rezervovaným

On time = at the planned time; neither late nor early:
Peter wants the meeting to start exactly on time.

In time = with enough time to spare; before the last moment:
He would have died if they hadn’t got him to the hospital in time."

"In the end = finally, after a long time:
In the end, I got a visa for Russia.

At the end = at the point where something stops:
I think the film’s a bit weak at the end.