KRO/DEL - DELE preparation course (2022)
The course is dedicated to model test of the DELE exam that include listening, reading, speaking and writing. The test will be corrected and explained in the classes so that the students receive feedback. The course includes improving of practical skills.
KRO/DKSE - Dějiny a kultura Španělska (2022)
Výuka je zaměřena na získání základních poznatků ze španělských dějin, malířství, architektury a hudby s poukazem na jejich vzájemnou provázanost. Historie Španělska je komentována od počátků osídlení Pyrenejského poloostrova až po přechod Španělska od diktátorského režimu generála Franca k demokracii.
KRO/DLAE - Dějiny a kultura Latinské Ameriky (2022)
Cílem předmětu je získání základních poznatků z historie Latinské Ameriky a informace o kultuře a specificích jednotlivých zemí. Dějiny Latinské Ameriky jsou probírány od období předkolumbovských civilizací až po současnost. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována politickým změnám dvacátého století, neúspěchům demokratických pokusů a častému střídání diktátorských režimů.
KRO/MATN - Morphological analysis (2022)
The subject focuses on practical aplication of Morphology from previous semester. The students will practice the analysis of texts with the objective to understand the structure of Spanish words. Special emphasis will be on periphrastic structures, prepositions and structures that are different from Czech. The requirement for the credit will be an analysis of a shorter (half page) text.
KRO/MOR - Morphology (2022)
The course gives the overview of parts of speech and structure and word-formation in Spanish. Basic morphological notions (classification of morphemes according to semantic and syntactic point of view, lexical and grammatical morphemes, alomorphs etc.), inflection, derivation and composition are discussed. The focus is given on the specific character of grammatical categories in Spanish in comparison with Czech.
KRO/NGR - Standardization of Spanish (2022)
The goal of the course is to present basic issues regarding language standardization. The theoretical part of the course is dedicated to general problems of codification which has a long tradition in Spanish. The practical part is dedicated to the newest changes in the standard and the contemporary situation of Spanish.
In the classes, the students' language skills at the C1 level will be examined.
KRO/PC1E - Practical Language 1 (2022)
This course takes into account different language levels of students and attempts to balance these differencies and prepare them for the level A2. The course is intended to provide the students with communicative abilities and the sound knowledge of fundamental Spanish grammar. Moreover, it mainly focuses on the four basic skills - speaking, writing, reading and listening. In conversation, students will practise to master everyday communicative situations. In a grammar part, they will master the basic grammar points and all indicative tenses. In a reading part, students will cope with adapted short texts and simple authentic texts and will be able to write a simple letter or a short message. Students are motivated to self-study and improve their knowledge by a contact with authentic texts and listening.
The assessment for this course will be made up of the following elements: three written works each of 200 words and a written test that will include grammar part, reading and understanding and a short written essay. The course finishes with a credit.
KRO/PC2E - Practical language 2 (2022)
The aim of this course is to pursue the level of Spanish to level A2 up to the marginal level B1 at the end of the second semester. Theoretical knowledge of grammar helps students to communicate about more complicated topics and express their opinion fluently. The course is finished with the exam that will prove student´s four basic skills, after successfull completion of the course students will be able to further study in Spanish.
KRO/PC3 - Practical Language 3 (2022)
The course focuses on communicative abilities and pursuing an advanced level B1. The aim of this course is to reach a fluent communication, more advanced vocabulary and grammar, mainly subjunctive. Students learn to look for important information in the text and interpret it to others. Authentic materials, newspapers articles (El País, ABC) are a part of the course.
KRO/PC6E - Practical Language 6 (2022)
The aim of the course is to improve and strengthen the language competence of students up to the levels B2-C1. Students should understand the language spoken at standard speed. Writing focuses on various styles and their specificities.
KRO/POCN - Listening Exercises (2022)
The course will help students to practise speaking and listening. Standard conversations such as TV news, radio and video are analyzed together with recordings from different regions in Spain (Andalusia, Extremadura) and Latin America (Mexico, Peru, Argentina and Cuba). The aim is a maximum understanding of a speech in a foreign language.
KRO/SATE - Syntactical analysis (2022)
The subject focuses on practical aplication of Syntax from previous semester. The students will practice the analysis of texts from the syntactical point of view. Special emphasis will be on tens usage, clause structure and functional sentence perspective. The requirement for the credit will be an analysis of a one page text.