
  • Understanding quantities, their relations, and measured data

  • Course description

    The course is intended to provide background knowledge of the rock and soil physical phenomena and their control quantities. This is composed of the following subtopics:

    • physical quantities of porous medium, concept of homogenization
    • hydraulics (flow in saturated/unsaturated conditions)
    • advection/diffusion/dispersion - nonlinear processes (variable density, two phase), multiscale effects
    • simulation software, measuring/monitoring methods
    • fractured rock specifics
    • other coupled processes (thermal, mechanical)
  • Teacher: Milan Hokr

  • Study materials - teacher's presentations

    • Position of the topic within earth sciences, characterisation of porous medium, representative elementary volume concept, pore-size distribution, Darcy experiment, hydraulic conductivity

    • Three-dimensional differential formulation, Darcy velocity versus pore velocity, effects on hydraulic conductivity, mass balance, equation system for compressible and incompressible case, boundary conditions, natural groundwater flow configuration

    • Change of the balance equation for varibly-saturated medium, constitutive relations - retention curve, Darcy-Buckhingham Law, capillary force interpretations, mathematical view - nonlinear degenerated PDE

    • Solute transport in porous medium, transport mechanisms of advection and diffusion, hydrodynamic dispersion as a consequence of homogenization, mass balance and advection-diffusion equation, Peclet number

    • More complicated cases of transport - sorption and immobile pore volume effects, sorption isotherms, equilibrium/non-equilibrium interaction, retardation factor, mathematical consequences of nonlinear isotherms

  • Recommended literature

    Below - external e-literature to download, with practical comments for choice.

    • Bear, Verruijt: Modeling Underground Flow and Pollution, Reidel Pbl., 1990.

      Neuman, S. P.: Trends, prospects and challenges in quantifying flow and transport through fractured rocks, Hydrogeol. J. 13(1), 124–147, 2005.

      Beaude, L., Brenner, K., Lopez, S., Masson, R., Smai, F., 2019. Non-isothermal compositional liquid gas Darcy flow: formulation, soil-atmosphere boundary condition and application to high-energy geothermal simulations. Computational Geosciences 23, 443–470

      Berre, I., Doster, F., Keilegavlen, E., 2019. Flow in Fractured Porous Media: A Review of Conceptual Models and Discretization Approaches. Transport in Porous Media 130, 215–236.

      Blunt, M.J., Bijeljic, B., Dong, H., Gharbi, O., Iglauer, S., Mostaghimi, P., Paluszny, A., Pentland, C., 2013. Pore-scale imaging and modelling. Advances in Water Resources 51, 197–216.

      Sanchez, M.V.V. Antonio Gens, Olivella, S., 2016. Fully Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Double-Porosity Formulation for Unsaturated Soils. International Journal of Geomechanics 16.

      Maš𝚤n, D., 2013. Double structure hydromechanical coupling formalism and a model for unsaturated expansive clays. Engineering Geology 165, 73–88.

      Oda, M., 1986. An equivalent continuum model for coupled stress and fluid flow analysis in jointed rock masses. Water Resources Research 22, 1845–1856

      Passas, N. Butenuth C. deFreitas M.H., Bunatova, V., 1996. Rock porosity determinations using particle densities measured in different fluids. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 1996. 19(3) 310–315

      Porta, G.M., Bijeljic, B., Blunt, M., Guadagnini, A., 2015. Continuum-scale characterization of solute transport based on pore-scale velocity distributions. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 7537–7545.